TrackMPD v2 is out on GitHub

We are happy to announce the release of the latest version of TrackMPD.

We have been working hard these last months to improve the performance of the model and we can finally share it with the world.

Some key features and improvements of this version (TrackMPD v2.3) are:

     * Parallel computation of particle trajectories

     * Increased computational efficiency, allowing for faster simulations

     * Optimized advection and behaviour modules

     * New processes: deposition, resuspension, bedload

     * New parameterizations of settling velocities

     * A verbose mode to select the degree of detail in the progress messages during running

We hope these updates will significantly enhance the value and usefulness of the model for a wide range of applications. Please, note that we are still working on developing a comprehensive tutorial for the new version as well as more examples of applications with inputs from several hydrodynamic models.

From now, we will use the version control of GitHub to update and track changes. We welcome any feedback, bug alert, or questions you may have.

Hope you will enjoy using TrackMPD v2!

Une réponse à “TrackMPD v2 is out on GitHub”

  1. […] the recent release of TrackMPD v2.3, the much-awaited tutorial is now here. The manual is now available on GitHub (link) and provides […]